I’m teaching at the Modern Calligraphy Summit 2.0!

Well,  hello  there!!!

I’m dusting off the blog after months. Whoo hoo!

First off, HI! *waves frantically, jumping up and down*… I miss you all and am grateful for all the kind comments and emails you continue to send me!

and second… I have exciting news…

I’m teaching at the Modern Calligraphy Summit 2.0!


What is MCS 2.0? It’s an online calligraphy conference, jam-packed with value: instructional videos, downloadable worksheets, live Q&A sessions, a private Facebook group, and more.

You’ll learn not only from me, but from SIX other calligraphers. And trust me. They. Are. AWESOME!

MCS instructors

The best part? You can join from ANYWHERE in the world. No need to travel, no need to dress up. Just log in from home and drink up the calligraphy goodness.

Want in? Early bird pricing is lasting just FIVE days (8-26 to 8/31), so head on over now to sign up. This is a small window of time, so go go go!

Please use my link! I get credit for each sign up through MY link, so I’d really appreciate you for using it. Thanks in advance!

I’ll “see” you at the summit!

MCS 2.0@moderncalligraphysummit

7 thoughts on “I’m teaching at the Modern Calligraphy Summit 2.0!

  1. Hi…. Im grateful to follow you. Im just honing my *little* skill. As they say practice makes progress. Thanks for sharing your expertise.


  2. I am so so so excited for you and for all of us calligraphy enthusiasts! We’re so lucky to have you as a mentor and teacher, I can’t wait for the summit. And that is a huge understatement. 😀 you’re amazing, love your work, your caring presence as a teacher. Thank you for being you!


  3. Oh dear, I just tried enrolling and there was a message that said enrollment is closed! I was pretty sure that early bird pricing was in effect until today. Should I keep trying?


    1. Hi Dottee! I’m afraid I just saw this message and it looks like it was too late 😦 I know folks were telling me on Instagram they were able to squeeze right in before 11:59 pm PST. Where are you located? I wonder if it is the time zone or some other weird quirk. I’m so sorry about that!


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